Friday, February 24, 2012


I must say, Calendar is one of my favorite things to teach. When I was student teaching, I learned from a really great teacher and his calendar routine. I have redesigned mine a little and made it my own. It is amazing how many skills can be covered in this quick, fun 10 minute lesson! We start by singing the days of the week, we name the day, month and date. We did "yesterday was, today is and tomorrow will be" for the first half of the year, but have phased it out. We do weather, "precipitation" and "sky conditions." Then, we say how many days of school we are in, and count them on ten frames by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's. We practice even and odd numbers. Finally, we do a monthly poem. We also review our daily schedule. The children are welcome to check it throughout the day to see where we are at. The kids really enjoy all of this. Their oral vocabulary skills and counting skills are great! I am so happy with this calendar routine! Feel free to borrow anything!

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